• 033 337-1838   support@jahmipanay.com  sales@jahmipanay.com


Storage Department is responsible for storing and shipping the Yakult products to other centers on the Islands of Panay and Guimaras.


Yakult Lady Department is a department that uses the Yakult Lady system. The Yakult Lady System is a house to house delivery system catered by responsible women who understand fundamentally the principle of the Yakult Organization.


Direct Sales Department is a department responsible for delivering Yakult products to groceries, supermarkets, and other establishments with an intent to resell the products.


Information Technology Department is a department responsible for providing the infrastructure for automation.

Human Resource (HR)

Human Resource Department is a department responsible with matters involving employees, as hiring, training, labor relations and benefits.

Marketing & Promotional Section (MPS)

Marketing & Promotional Section is a section responsible for promoting Yakult on the Islands of Panay and Guimaras.

Credit & Collection

Credit & Collection is a department responsible for all the accounting services and financial support to the company.


Maintenance Department is a department responsible for keeping the business building in good physical condition.